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Welcome to my little corner of the internet.

About me

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I'm Minae, a first-generation Korean-American currently braving the heat in the Sonoran desert.

Small green saguaro cactus

Pronounce my name like Renee with an M. My pronouns are she/her.

About this site

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I hand-coded this site with vanilla HTML and CSS, along with a dash of TailwindCSS and JavaScript, mixed to taste.

It's a simple static site, so I use Netlify to deploy it.

I've spun up other sites using a handful of other technologies like Jamstack SSGs and headless CMS sites, just to learn how they work. Check them out at:


I spend my professional life at the conflux of coding, writing, and education. I'm adept at software documentation, with a special interest in web technologies and documentation for developers. As a versatile and curious generalist, I have a broad foundation in web tech from coding to UI/UX, information architecture, APIs, accessibility concerns, databases, front-end frameworks, cloud deployment, and more. I can learn new systems and technologies fast and explain it to other people clearly.

If you have a documentation project that could use someone like me, let's talk. I'm also available for general website consultation, copywriting, and editing. Open to travel.


  • I paint and draw from time to time.
  • I love to forage for mushrooms; chanterelles are my favorite.
  • I play speed chess and the ancient game of Go.
  • I've had the perfect hand in cribbage. (IYKYK.)
  • I studied linguistics and philosophy in college.

In no particular order, I also like: hanging out with my love, who recently published his first novel; getting into hot (springs) water; awe-inspiring wildernesses; reading and writing fiction (speculative fiction and magical realism especially); road trips and experiencing new places; trip hop and glitchy bass music; from-scratch cooking and baking; exploring the online; fairy tales and mythologies; and all kinds of art.

Here's a bunch of music I like.
The tracks aren't in any particular order, so if you listen, feel free to shuffle the playlist.

© Minae Lee 2024